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In James 5:16, we read, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed”

This verse basically tells us that emotional and spiritual healing often occurs within the context of vulnerability in a supportive community. 

If you are anything like me, you might be thinking… How can I trust someone with my pain? You might even feel the fear rising within you just thinking about it. If one thing I have learned in my healing journey with the Lord through Beauty for Ashes is that by openly sharing our struggles and victories with each other, we can find encouragement, accountability, and support in our journey toward inner healing.

With the foundation of biblical teachings, the power of prayer and forgiveness, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, engagement with God’s Word, and the support of a community, we can continually face and address our emotional wounds and experience transformation. Ultimately, the process of inner healing enables us to become more like Christ, which is the ultimate goal of sanctification. As we continue to seek healing, we can rest assured that “the good work God has begun in us will be carried on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).

Knowing all of this and with this as a common goal in our heart for our lives and for the lives of the Guatemalan woman. A group of seven women and I embarked on a transformative mission trip to Guatemala. Our destination this time was Acatenango, a place where they would serve, love, and witness the power of God’s healing touch. Over the course of the week we hosted retreats for 40-50 women each day, facilitating sessions on identity, worth, and forgiveness.


We delved into the concept of identity, exploring how negative perceptions and experiences can shape the way we see ourselves. We discussed the importance of resisting the enemy’s attempts to define us and instead fixing our eyes on the One who knows our true identity.

The session on worth addressed the common misconception that our worth is determined by our accomplishments, our circumstances or what happened to us. Just as a pearl is formed through the oyster’s enduring hardship and struggle, our own experiences of pain and adversity can shape us into something truly valuable. The enemy often tries to convince us that our struggles diminish our worth, but the truth is quite the opposite. The Lord sees us as His masterpieces, His craftsmanship, formed and refined through the fires of life. Our experiences, no matter how difficult, contribute to our unique beauty and value. The team challenged the women to recognize their inherent value as beloved children of God. Through prayer, they invited the Lord to reveal their true worth in His eyes.


The final session on forgiveness highlighted the destructive nature of unforgiveness. The women recognized that unforgiveness is a wound that can infect our lives and relationships. We encouraged the participants to release the power of past hurts through forgiveness, allowing their emotional wounds to heal.

Throughout the mission trip, breakthroughs occurred in the lives of both the Guatemalan women and the team members. As the women shared their stories and experienced the love and support of the community, chains were broken, stories were redeemed, freedom was released, and lives were restored. 

The power of community and the transformative love of God were evident in the experiences shared and the lives touched.


This mission trip to Guatemala was a journey of transformation and redemption, not only for the women served but also for the team members who were deeply impacted by the experiences they shared and the relationships they formed. It was proof of the power of love, hope, and the healing touch of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray about what is calling YOU to do next! Is HE calling YOU to intercede in prayer? Is HE calling YOU to GO? or is HE calling YOU to give?

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