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This past week, my husband Kevin and I had the incredible privilege of leading a mission trip to Chicago serving with fellow members of Nappanee Missionary Church. A total of 61 people embarked on this journey, driven by a shared desire to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 18:16-20) and spread love the way Jesus commanded us (Matthew 22:39).


After seeking the Lord together and intentionally engaging in powerful moments of prayer and worship, a transformation surged through the group. Each person felt a renewed encounter with Jesus, their hearts overflowing with the love He commanded us to share. Each participant embarked on a personal encounter with Jesus, their hearts overflowing with a newfound boldness empowered, fueled and filled by the Holy Spirit. For a week, we became an extension of Christ’s love – His hands, feet, eyes, ears, and heart – reaching out to the lost, overlooked, and hurting in the vibrant tapestry of Chicago.

Our mission took us to diverse neighborhoods: bustling downtown, Devon’s Muslim district, the cultural richness of Chinatown, and Pilsen- a community brimming with Latin immigrants, those experiencing homelessness, and the harsh realities of gang activity. Witnessing the struggles firsthand ignited a fire within us to serve with compassion.

The final night was a testament to God’s extraordinary work. Heaven and earth collided at the corner of 18th and Blue Island. We were joined by another AIM team, and together, with the volunteers from Bethel Temple, we transformed the street corner into a vibrant worship space. Laughter, music, prayer, and fellowship filled the air as we served food, distributed clothes and toiletries, and most importantly, shared the love of Christ. Right across from a satanist temple, the Holy Spirit’s presence was undeniable, HIS JOY filled the air as we danced, prayed, and fellowshipped with everyone who joined us. Tears of joy mingled with the echoes of a powerful song that resonated in our hearts: “He picked me up, He turned me around, He placed my feet on solid ground.”
The lyrics of a song echo in my heart, capturing the essence of the night: “Hell lost another one, I am free!”, I thank God from Maverick City Music became an anthem for the week, a testament to the countless lives transformed. That night six precious souls surrendered their lives to Jesus, and four were baptized in a symbolic act of starting anew – right there in a horse trough in the church parking lot!

Matthew 18:18 tells us, “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Last week, on the streets of Chicago, chains were shattered. Lives were restored, captives were set free, and the fire of revival ignited in countless hearts.

This mission trip wasn’t just about serving others; it was a profound transformation for each of us. We returned home forever changed, carrying the echoes of “get up, get up, get up, get out of that grave!” – a powerful reminder that God’s love and grace have the power to set us all free.

Prayer Request:

  • Please pray for the NMC leaders and students to continue to fan the fire that was ignited within their hearts and for them to be the logs and embers of revival in their church and communities. 
  • Please pray for all the seeds that were planted in people’s hearts throughout the week, for God to continue to water and grow them so that they can produce abundant fruit.
  • Please pray for Bethel Temple as they continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Chicago. For more laborers to come and partner in what the Lord is already doing  in their church. 
  • Please keep us in prayer as Kevin and I go to Guatemala with a team of 12 Ambassadors (14-18 years old) to serve for 3 weeks (July 6-27). Please pray for all of us to be surrendered to the Holy Spirit and for God’s perfect will and plan to be accomplished in and through us. 

As always, thank you so much for your love, your support and your prayers!

Please let me know, how I can be praying for YOU?